“you’re sad? here's a cookie.”
“not feeling well? have some juice.”
“I’m so proud of you! Let’s celebrate with ice cream!”
As a child, I was practically conditioned to depend on food; not for nourishment, but for extra emotional support. This doesn’t sound too bad, I mean, who doesn’t want another slice of You-Got-An-A+ cake??
Fast-forward to right now. I’m stressed – have a cookie! I’m sad – have some ice cream! I’m bored – have nachos! I recently lost a bunch of weight. I kept it off for a while, and then exams hit.
I’m stressed – have a cookie!
I’m stressed – have some ice cream!
I’m stressed – another cookie?
I’m stressed – ice cream!
I’m really stressed – ice cream AND cookies!!!!!
Thanks to the food-rewards that were given to me as a child, I am now an emotional eater.
NOTE: I AM NOT BLAMING MY PARENTS FOR THIS IN ANY WAY. Most parents do this with their children (or at least I think so) and I even find myself using food rewards on my nieces and nephew... and even my friends...
That 20lbs I lost? It found me again. Today I wear my fat jeans, and quite frankly I’M OKAY WITH IT.
Because this too shall pass, and once exam stress is done I will be able to get back on track, get into a better mood, stop eating junk, and rock my skinny jeans.