Saturday, April 9, 2011


Sometimes I plan for the future. Every day of my life right now is directed toward my future goals, and my future depends on my actions. I am a student, struggling through the end-of-semester shuffle of papers, projects and exams. The stress is overwhelming, and all I can do to ease off on the anxiety is count down. One more seminar, two more lectures. Hand in the proposal, then five exams. I can do this. I will do this. I want this, remember?


Time is ticking and the pressure is mounting, and then I realize something:
The rest of my life depends on right now.

Maybe not entirely, but everything I do these days will later be part of my past. They say that your past makes you who you are... So why can’t I get motivated? I keep procrastinating on everything. I’m so worried about the future that I can’t stop and handle the right now. I’m neglecting the now.

I’ve been a student for a long time. I’m currently in my fifth year of post-secondary. Last year I even took summer school. I’m worried that I’m burning out. I’m worried that I won’t be able to maintain this much longer. I still have two years left of the program I’m in, and then I’m planning on doing a Masters – another few years. What if I burn out completely? What if I can’t do it anymore?

What if all of this is for nothing? Sometimes plans change. What if I don’t want this anymore? I started off in one program in college and dropped out. I graduated from a completely different college program two years later. After realizing that the job market in that field in the region I wanted to stay in SUCKED, I moved on to university. If you weren’t keeping track, that’s three different programs. Plans change. So why am I stressing so much about right now?


Patrick Edgar said...
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Patrick Edgar said...

donno why it put that other comment here instead off the other post but what ever, and i know the feeling well, sometimes its hard to be motivated to work to something that is 10 years away for me